Club Documents


SSC Range Rules 2021  

Skowhegan Sportsmans Club Bylaws RV 2021 PDF


Range Rules

General Range Rules

  1. All members must satisfactorily complete a firearms safety and range orientation program before being allowed unsupervised use of the Club ranges.
  2. The Skowhegan Sportsman’s Club ranges are open to all members and guests unless an event is scheduled on a range.
  3. Members using the ranges should be prepared to show their membership card if asked by any other member.
  4. Handling of firearms while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited.
  5. Explosive targets, binary explosives, including Tannerite and similar products, and all fireworks are prohibited and as such are not allowed on Club property due to liability. Members violating this rule are subject to disciplinary action as specified in the Club Bylaws.
  6. Anybody under 18 years of age must be supervised by an adult.
  7. All Federal, State, and local firearm laws must be obeyed. Owners of class 3 firearms must be in possession of any special permits or paperwork required by law.
  8. Club matches shall be posted on the clubhouse calendar at least one (1) month before the match.
  9. During matches, the Chief Range Officer and his/her designees shall be responsible for establishing a safety conscious climate, and to conduct the match according to the sanctioning organizations safety rules.
  10. Matches or pre-match range preparation shall have priority over informal use.
  11. Theft or vandalism will not be tolerated!
  12. Persons violating the club’s rules will be reported to the Board of Directors for appropriate action.
  13. It is the duty of every member to courteously inform others if they are violating safety rules.
  14. You may collect the brass that belongs to you only after the line is called “clear”. If another shooter does not want his brass you may ask permission to take it.  Do not go in front of the line to collect brass until the line is safe.
  15. Range safety is your responsibility, any violation of these rules or any unsafe act on the range will be brought before the Board of Directors for disciplinary action including dismissal.
  16. Before leaving, remove your targets, pick up your expended cartridge cases, aka brass, and leave the range as clean (or cleaner) than you found it.


  1. Non-members are NOT permitted on club property unless accompanied by a member in good standing, or when the facilities are open to the general public.
  2. A member may bring an individual as a guest a maximum of three (3) times per year.
  3. A member may bring up to two (2) guests on any one occasion.
  4. A member with guest(s) is responsible for their behavior and conformance with these range and firearms safety rules.
  5. All non-member shooters must complete and sign the RANGE RELEASE and ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT before using the range each visit.
  6. Spouses and minor children are welcome and will be treated as members while the actual member is present.

Firearms Safety

  1. Always keep the gun pointed down range. There is no excuse for ever pointing a firearm at another member.
  2. No hands will be on any firearms while people are down range. (No cleaning, repairing, casing etc.)
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
  4. Keep the gun unloaded until ready to shoot.
  5. Cased firearms may be brought to the line. However, they shall remain cased until everyone is behind the firing line.
  6. When not being fired, all firearms shall have their action open, safety on, magazines out, and the muzzles pointed downrange.

Making the Line Safe

When someone would like to go downrange the line must be cleared.  Before proceeding downrange:

  1. The person who would like to go downrange shall ask: “IS THE RANGE SAFE?”
  2. Shooters on the line will verify by a THUMBS UP or an ARM WAVE.
  3. If the line is NOT safe, the response shall be a loud “NO!” accompanied by a THUMBS DOWN.
  4. The range is ONLY safe when all firearms have the:
  5. magazines out,
  6. safety on,
  7. actions opened,
  8. chambers empty and
  9. are resting on the bench or grounded.
  10. Everyone has stepped back from the firing line.
  11. No firearms may be handled while the line is “SAFE
  12. Once this is done the line will be called “SAFE
  13. Once the line is declared safe members may proceed downrange after placing the yellow flag in the holder.
  14. Once everyone has returned to the line the line should be called HOT and shooting may continue.
  15. With the absence of a range officer the first shooter on the range is authorized to regulate the members that will be shooting. Members are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly manner.


Any shooter may call a “Cease Fire.”  When a Cease Fire is called:

  1. STOP shooting IMMEDIATELY.
  2. Remove your finger from the trigger.
  3. Keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
  4. Wait for further instructions from the Range Officer or the person calling the “Cease Fire”.

Outdoor Range Rules

  1. Shooting hours are from 9:00 AM until SUNSET as defined by Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.
  2. The gate should remain locked at all times except:
  3. when a scheduled event is in progress;
  4. during the snow months; and,
  5. while members are actively shooting on the range.
  6. The locks should never be left with the correct combination on the dials.
  7. All shooting of firearms shall be South (i.e., DOWN RANGE) and targets shall be placed so that all bullets will be caught by the backstop (without ricochet).
  8. Slide or bump fire, i.e., simulated automatic fire, is not permitted.
  9. Firing from the hip is not permitted. All firing must be aimed fire at properly positioned targets.
  10. Glass and old appliances are not acceptable targets. Don’t shoot them on this range.  Any object that leaves sharp or dangerous residue will not be used on the indoor or outdoor range. Clay targets may be used on the outdoor range.  Printed targets attached on plywood or wood stakes should be used on the outdoor range.  Dispose of any target material, including any clay targets that may not have been broken.  Cans and like material will not be used as targets, the sharp shards are dangerous when left on the range.
  11. Targets shall not be placed in front or stapled to the support posts or target frames, and shall not be placed above or on the backstop. Do not shoot any frame, posts or chains supporting the targets.
  12. No rifle or pistol shall be fired vertically at any time.
  13. All firearms cartridges are allowed on the rifle range except the 50 Caliber Browning Machine Gun (50BMG) and .338 Lapua rounds are not allowed.
  14. Muzzle loading firearms may be fired on the range.
  15. Shotgun, slugs, buckshot, and birdshot may be patterned on paper targets. The targets should be placed so that the strike of the shot will not destroy the fixed target frames.
  16. Tracer and armor piercing ammunition are prohibited.
  17. All firearms not on the firing line must be holstered, or unloaded with their actions open and the magazine removed, or unloaded and in a case.
  18. Use the appropriate size target, the target should be placed at a level to ensure that your shots strike the berm or back stop. Firing a shot on the Range that results in the bullet striking anything other than the target or the backstop or causes damage or injury will result in disciplinary action.
  19. Cross firing of targets is prohibited.
  20. Skeet shooting thrower is available on the Rifle Range. Use the designated area on the outdoor Rifle range.  This area is between the shooting house and the 200 yard backstop and is parallel to the river.  Do not shoot into the river.
  21. The upper pistol range is limited to pistol cartridges only. If a bullet is travelling over 1500 feet per second it is to be consider a high powered cartridge.  If a cartridge is more powerful than a 44 Magnum it should be taken to the rifle range.  Cartridges such as the .223 Remington and the 7.62 X 39 AK round should be shot on the main rifle range even if the firearm being used is in a pistol configuration. The intent of this rule is to limit the noise level that reaches our neighbors land and to keep these more powerful rounds from escaping the range.
  22. Non magnumpistol caliber rifles /carbines will be allowed on the pistol range.  Examples of acceptable cartridges are: 22 Long Rifle, 38 Special, 9MM Luger, 40 Smith and Wesson, 44 Special, 44-40, 38-40, 45 Long Colt etc. Magnum loads must use the rifle range.   

Indoor Range Rules

  1. The indoor range is limited to .22 Long Rifle, .22 Long or .22 Short Rim Fire ammunition only. No Magnum or Center Fire ammunition is allowed. Use of unauthorized ammunition will result in disciplinary action.
  2. Use only paper targets on the indoor range. Targets should be no bigger than the impact area.  No metal targets are allowed.  Do not shoot into the ceiling, walls or floor.
  3. Archers may use the range with the proper targets and back stop. All arrows will be recovered and taken from the range with the bowmen when they leave the range. Firearms will not be present while archery equipment is being used.

Additions and Remissions will be done as warranted by a Range Safety officer with authority from the Board of Directors.