
Membership Meetings:

Monthly Membership Meetings every second Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.


If there is anyone who wishes to bake or purchase any refreshments for the meeting it is always appreciated.

If a meeting is cancelled due to weather or other conditions we will do our best to update the website calendar in advance.

See the source image

New Memberships:

Applications accepted April- November and orientations are held May – November, once you are voted in and your Orientation is completed you will have full access to the club.

The club does not prorate Membership fees. The annual membership is due each year by 1/31 but you have till February before the locks are changed. Lapsed membership need to reapply and retake orientation.

The application includes yourself as the primary Member, however you may bring your spouse and children under 18 years of age with you to the Range unlimited visits. They cannot come to the Range without the primary Member. Spouses are encouraged to attend orientation with the primary member. Members and their spouses/ and children under 18 fill out Liability forms one per year. 

Members guests must fill out each time (limited to 3 visits).

Most spouses who shoot regularly apply for their own Membership to support the Club and may visit the club without their spouse.

Join today and take your skills to the next level!

Learn and share tips from other shooters, advance your safety knowledge, and connect with others who practice your discipline.

Once you become a member, join a committee or ask how you can help your club.

If you have any questions prior to joining us at a Membership Meeting please use the Contact Us Form.

Annual Membership Renewals:

Members annual dues: January 1- December 31 Membership Year.

Dues are due by January 31st of each year.

Renewal Applications are sent out in December to the mailing address on file; if you move please notify secretary prior.

Late fee of $10. charged if sent after January 31st

  • After January 31st: Late Fee: $10.00
  • Every year as a renewal Member you are required to fill out a membership renewal application, it must be signed/ dated and returned with ALL questions answered with your dues payment to the club mailing address.
  • Skowhegan Sportsmans Club- 857 East River Road, Skowhegan, Maine 04976                            
  • Or you may bring to the club monthly meeting or put in the indoor locked mailbox up to 1/31, located as you walk in the clubhouse meeting room to your left.
  • Remember, if your membership lapses beyond February 28th, you must rejoin as a new member, pay the initiation fee, and take another RSO range walkthrough. Please stay up to date.
  • Membership cards will be mailed out in one batch. Please send in no later than January 31st to avoid the LATE FEE and holding up processing annual Membership process.
  • The gate lock will change as soon as the roads are good to drive on.
  • If you are not receiving annual mailed renewal or emails use the contact us form to update your address & email.
  • Renewals are subject to approval. It is your responsibility to review the Range Rules annually.
  • As a renewing Member, you agree, to abide by the by-laws of said organization and to govern your behavior as a sportsman by observing all club rules and understand violation of any club rules may result in termination of membership

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New Member Orientation:

  • Once your application is presented at your first meeting you will then attend the orientation as part of your Membership Commitment.
  • Agreeing to (signing) a liability waiver and declaration acknowledging your responsibility as a range user
  • Download and familiarize yourself with the Range Rules
  • All new members need to attend a Range Safety and Procedures Orientation prior to using any of the facilities.

Use our Contact Us Form.

Gift Certificates:

Get a current Member a Gift Certificate for their Annual Renewal or purchase a Gift Certificate for your loved ones, family members, friends as a New Membership!

All Membership requirements apply.

Perfect gift for Valentines, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Birthday, Christmas, Appreciation/ Thank you Gift


Use the Contact Us Form and we will return your message.

Member Support:

The Skowhegan Sportsmans Club has the most amazing, awesome, incredible and fabulous volunteers!

Without these volunteers our club would not exist! Everything you see has taken time and funds of those who have been involved.

Next time you see one of these stellar people, stop and thank them for their tireless efforts, keeping things running smoothly, for the benefit for all.  Then be sure to ASK HOW YOU CAN HELP! We want to share the responsibility and not have people burn out.

An active role in your club makes it an inviting atmosphere, find a way to help whether it be behind the scenes with membership mailings and like duties or giving your time on the club property and ranges at your convenience.

It takes a lot of volunteer time to ensure things run smoothly: there is set-up, tear-down and cleaning during events, classes, meetings.

Meetings- we need tables/chairs set-up and then broken down, 50/50 ticket sellers, raffle sellers, clean up after the meeting. It is all important.

You do not have to be committed to every class, every meeting but if you can dedicate some time here and there let us know.

During the Safety Courses- we need Volunteers who can commit to helping with set-up, be there for instruction, to help with clean-up.

Club Matches: we need people who will set-up, help direct people, clean-up: it all helps!

We have general maintenance of the clubhouse, club grounds and range grounds. Mowing, Target Repairs, Maintenance of ditches and culverts.

There’s no denying that volunteers are an integral piece to the club. Volunteers are the heart and soul of who and what we are.

Your club needs you, reach out to find out how you can help. Thanks!

See the source image


Guest and Liability:

Members of the Skowhegan Sportsmans Club have a responsibility to read and understand the Range Rules.

  • It is the Members responsibility to go over the Range rules with their guests.
  •  Family, guests, or those younger than 18 must be under direct supervision by the member at all times.
  •  A limit of 2 (two) guests per member per visit.
  • A guest may visit the range with a member a maximum of 3 (three) times, after which membership is
  • Guests need to fill out a Liability Form at every visit.

Liability Form

Image result for Don'tt FOrget

Physical address:

857 East River Road

Skowhegan, Maine 04976

857 E River Rd – Google Maps

Mailing address:

857 East River Road

Skowhegan, Maine 04976